Inclusive REskilling and upSkilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sectoR: European agenda StraTegy


The consortium is composed of 27 partners:
11 Education and training providers (UNITO, WUR, AARHUS, AERES, UNITE, UHOH, UMU, INFOR, LVA, CTAEX, AKMI),
3 Education and trainings network (ISEKI, EFVET and ACEEU)
1 European Veterinary Specialist (EBVS)

The partners were selected in order to cover all sectors, competences and coverage needed to reach the project’s objectives:

– Food industry and processing,

– Animal production,

– Digital technologies for food industry, e-commerce, export, online marketing, logistics,

– Veterinary activities

– Advanced Entrepreneurial skills.


How will it foster innovation

I-RESTART will use a multi-stakeholder methodology to skills needs identification, relying on different networks and different partners to cover an unexplored part of the sector.
I-RESTART will offer the training material in a form of complete certified course or shorter modules (micro-credentials) to tackle the skills gaps, in line with the EU Skills Agenda and main outcome of the Pact for Skills roundtables.

I-RESTART will facilitate the inter-sectoral and intergenerational skills transfers through the adoption of an innovative micro-credentials methodology that will provide inclusive, flexibility to the HEI and VET providers and engaging work-based patterns with mentors while opening the ecosystem also to external workers.

I-RESTART will include the micro-credentials training as an innovative way to allow rapid upskilling and reskilling as well as increase the uptake of VET in the agri-food and veterinary sector in general.


How your project will contribute to the Pact for Skills.

I-RESTART will actively contribute through T7.5, by incentivizing the increase of the Pact for Skills signatories as well as providing implementation channels for the outcomes of the project.

Two partner of the I-RESTART project, COPA-COGECA and FDE, umbrella organization at EU level representing Farmers and Agri-food industry, recognize their interdependent role, they establish a common task force for the Pact for Skills and signed a common code of conduct related to the implementation of the Pact for Skill among their organization and stakeholders.

I-RESTART Coordinators constantly participate in pact for skills meetings, both organized from DG-AGRI, DG-EMPL and DG-GROW, and from COPA-COGECA and FDE.