Work Package 1: Project management and coordination

Duration: M1 – M48 Lead Beneficiary: UNITO


With a large consortium of 29 partners (28 full and 1 associated), the I-RESTART management WP will be very important to ensure an efficient, smooth and regular management of the project. It aims at ensuring a proper implementation of all tasks while monitoring and mitigating risks. It will also make sure all financial aspects are well managed according to the Erasmus Lump Sum rules and with the best value for money. Two persons from UNITO will be dedicated to complement the activities of the two blueprint projects (respectively I-RESTART and FIELDS project managers) in order to maximize the outputs without overlapping in the results of both projects.
This WP will implement the tools and structures to reach these goals and will be led by UNITO.



Work Package 2: Fast track to curricula and training programme

Duration: M1 – M13 Lead Beneficiary: INFOR


The objective of this WP is to quickly cover the urgent skill needs at EU level and carry out in the first year of the project the initial pilots to have feedback with the training needs both from the workforce and business perspective, keeping in mind the Green Deal, the Farm to Fork, the new CAP EU initiatives and actions to address the COVID-19 crisis.
Since the I-RESTART aim is to provide inclusive and innovative training, the pilots will be led by VET providers and stakeholder associations in ‘AgriFood Industry Open Days’ at the food processors/farm level, that will occur possibly in the same month of the year, to allow massive dissemination event.
The AFI Open Days will be organized by Agri-food and Food Industry Federations during their daily own main events – either internal such as Assemblies and Committees or external such as Conferences, Innovation Awards/Prizes, Trophelia, International Fairs – with the aim to present their best practices but also to host the pilots/workshops with the help of the trainers and the experiences of the agri-food chain operators/companies. The participant will fill in the survey on skills from WP3.
The skills that will be proposed during the design phase of the pilots will be chosen in these areas, suggested by I-RESTART partners:
– digital tools, digital marketing, cybersecurity, AI, website build, e-commerce platform, e-mailing campaign know-how, sales strategy, exports, new aspects in food safety, technology, processing, logistics, quality control, process optimization, engineering, auditing, animal wellness, veterinary activities, the food system, agriculture policy, circular agriculture, biodiversity, future farming, minerals cycle and accounting, regional/national programmes and subsidies, entrepreneurial mindset and effectuation, opportunity recognition, business modelling for impact-driven ventures and entrepreneurial finance.



Work Package 3: Skills needs identification

Duration: M1 – M16 Lead Beneficiary: ISEKI


This Work Package led by ISEKI aims at establishing a general overview of the labour market in Food industry and processing, Animal production, Digital technologies for food industry, e-commerce, export, online marketing, logistics, Veterinary activities, Advanced Entrepreneurial skills and related sectors (with special focus on innovative skills) in order to define present and future skills needs. The list of skills evaluated in the WP2 will also be considered in this WP and the focus will be on complementary topics vs. the FIELDS project, trying to provide innovative skills for I-RESTART that can be further exploited in the Pact for Skills.
This will be accomplished through:
● Analysis of the state of the art, both on content and on EU instruments for skills transferability (ESCO, ECVET, ECTS), with a database incorporated in the webpage of the project.
● Methodology design and stakeholders engagement
● Analysis of the state-of-the-art in terms of training content, related to agri-food and veterinary services
● Mobilisation of all relevant stakeholders following a multi-actor approach
● Participation of stakeholders to focus groups to define future trends and skills needs
● Multiplication of the focus groups outputs through bottom-up surveys and interviews in T2.3
● Analysis of the future trends, and in particular for needs created by the pandemic and the digitalisation as well as green skills, soft skills through scenarios and forecasting analysis. Two overarching principles will be used for the future trends analysis focus: the One Health approach and the desire to up and re-skill the workforce.



Work Package 4: Training design and development

Duration: M6 – M24 Lead Beneficiary: AARHUS


This Work Package led by AARHUS aims at creating relevant educational contents and curricula to answer the skill gap identified during year 1.
I-RESTART aims to develop training using the micro-credentials structure. A micro-credential is a qualification evidencing learning outcomes acquired through a short, transparently-assessed course or module. The flexible nature of these qualifications allows learning opportunities to be easily opened up to workers, including those in full-time employment. The micro-credentials are a highly flexible, inclusive form of learning allowing the targeted acquisition of skills and competences. They can be particularly useful for people who want to build on their knowledge without completing a full higher education programme and to upskill or reskill to meet labour market needs or to develop professionally after starting work.
The I-RESTART training materials are considered, along with those of the Blueprint FIELDS project by FDE and COPA-COGECA the backbone of the Pact for Skills already signed by these organisations, and thus the maximum effort will be spent in developing new material (new, emerging skills) and exploit/organising existing training materials (e.g. from Blueprint FIELDS and other Erasmus+ projects) by making them in the form of training modules following the micro-credentials qualification. The material will be developed and also in some cases shared from different platforms owned by partners, to allow the best engaging and inclusive experience for the trainees.
This link with the Pact for Skill will provide and empower the long term sustainability plan of the results of the I-RESTART project and will also promote the joining of the Pact by the partners of this project.
The objectives of this WP will be:
1. Perform a design of the training and recognition scheme as well as engaging and inclusive methodologies to be used during the training
2. Provide the outline of the 10 curricula that will be later implemented at country level
3. Develop the work-based learning scheme and populate a mentor database, for the work-based period that will be internal/own project-based
4. Develop the training content for the micro-credit modules for trainees and trainers, in the following sectors: Food industry, animal production, digital technologies, veterinary activities, soft and entrepreneurial skill, and emerging skills coming from the frack track for training and open days of WP2.

The material will be carefully designed to provide EQF levels 4, 5 and 6 training following the urgent skills identified in WP3 and WP2, to enhance innovation uptake and future skills and knowledge needs coverage. The targeted profiles will result in about 1040 hours of training material, on the following subjects: Food industry and processing (200 h), Animal production (160 h), Digital technologies for food industry (120 h), e-commerce (80 h), export (80 h), online marketing (80 h), logistics (80 h), Veterinary activities (160 h), Advanced Entrepreneurial skills (80 h). The actual number could vary between modules based on the skills that need to be implemented.
Strict collaboration with VET providers and Sector representatives will allow a proper validation of the training material that will be exploited also within the Pact for Skills.



Work Package 5: Training programme delivery and curricula implementation

Duration: M7 – M48 Lead Beneficiary: AERES


This Work Package lead by AERES aims at putting into practice the training content created in WP4, through train-the-trainer and trainees pilots and implementing the platform made in T5.4 able to display all projects outputs in a friendly manner for future use and uptake at EU level, especially within the Pact for Skills. The training will be offered considering inclusion and engagement of trainers and trainees. The micro-credentials structure will help to build inclusive training, while the engagement will be reached with a work-based learning period with the help of mentors.
With the micro-credentials structure, workers will be able to follow only the modules they are interested in and get a certification through micro-credentials procedure that will be promoted among the 8 countries participating in the I-RESTART project with effort involving also national and local agencies. The people interested in the initial vocational training have to follow all the modules defined in the curricula they are following so as to get accreditation at national and EU level. This will be made possible through the network of VET and HEI.
The content providers (ISEKI, EIT FOOD, INFOR, UHOH, UNITO, ANIA, UMU, WUR, UNITE, AERES, LVA, AARHUS) will provide support on technical issues related to the content during the activities of WP5.
One train-the trainer event and 8 pilots will be conducted in the project, following the national roadmaps and action plans, in Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Nederland, Portugal, Greece and Denmark.
16 teachers will follow the trainer’s toolkit while 120 learners will follow the pilot training. Surveys and feedback loop will be implemented to improve the quality of the training for further use and exploitation within the Pact for Skills.



Work Package 6: Long term action plan

Duration: M7 – M48 Lead Beneficiary: CONFAGRI


This Work Package led by CONFAGRI aims at ensuring the long-term sustainability of the strategy and training materials, its future use and the national roadmaps implementation, as well as the curricula uptake by external VET providers. This WP joins the output of the two projects (previous FIELDS Blueprint and the I-RESTART project), to provide for future users one stop source of material that will include, with distinct tags, the outputs in one place. Also the Memorandum of Understanding will be expanded in scope and also signed by at least 30 partners coming from the I-RESTART network.
The long-term action plan includes the maintenance of the resources for 4 more years after the project ends.
These aims will be reached with:
● provision of national and EU regulatory frameworks for training and innovation opportunities
● provision of national and EU funding opportunities
● design of sustainability plan and future use of the platform, with exploitation of project results
● plan for future engagement of the stakeholders with the signature of I-RESTART MoU that expand the scope of the Blueprint FIELDS project with addition of 30 more partners and with collaboration with the Pact for Skills



Work Package 7: Strategic approach development

Duration: M7 – M48 Lead Beneficiary: WUR


A micro-credential is a certification that demonstrates learning outcomes from a brief, transparently assessed course or module. Micro-credentials can be earned in person, online, or in a hybrid mode. Because of the flexibility of these certifications, individuals, especially those in full-time jobs, can take advantage of learning possibilities. Micro-credentials are a type of learning that is both flexible and inclusive, allowing for the targeted acquisition of skills and abilities. These characteristics make them very useful for upskilling or reskilling people, that is the aim of the I-RESTART project and of the Pact for Skill, even the one signed for the agri-food sector.
This Work Package led by WUR aims to provide a strategy to include the micro-credentials qualification in EU curricula and training certification.
The main objectives of this WP are:
● Perform an analysis of the skill gaps in innovation in agri-food and veterinary sector, with a specific focus on skills related to the Green Deal initiative
● Compare and prioritize the skills in these domains in form of micro-credentials, with the design of 10 occupational profiles for a total of 3200 h of training
● Develop a general EU strategy to transfer these skills to agriculture and food industry and veterinary sector related sectors
● Develop 11 specific national road maps
● Mobilise knowledge around the EU with a transferability framework by matching the national road maps with EU tools (CEDEFOP, ESCO, ECVET, ECTS) by providing a proposal for micro-credentials recognition at EU level.



Work Package 8: Quality Management & Certification

Duration: M1 – M48 Lead Beneficiary: EFVET


This Work Package lead by EFVET aims to develop the micro-credentials certification scheme (T8.5) and ensure the quality of the outputs of the project, be it the skills profiles, trend scenarios, job description, curricula, training material, the in-class training pilots, the strategy or the roadmaps. Partner of the Pact for skill will be invited to contribute
Within the quality plan, a risk assessment and risk management plan will be made and will be followed during the project.
The High Steering Committee (composed by WP leaders) will also act as a Quality Committee.
The external validation of the created content will be carried at specific moments during the development of the project.
In addition, external high profiles experts, as part of an High Advisory Board will give the partners their feedback yearly on the project strategies, curricula and training content and activities.
As part of the quality assessment, Task 8.4 is dedicated to get the ECVET accreditation of some of I-RESTART’s initial training.



Work Package 9: Dissemination & Communication

Duration: M1 – M48 Lead Beneficiary: LVA


This Work Package led by LVA aims to ensure to reach the largest possible target audience while advertising the project results. LVA, with its extensive experience in project dissemination will coordinate this WP. In this WP, the network of the umbrella organisations (COPA-COGECA, FDE), of the sector representatives (EBVS, CONFAGRI, SCOOP, ANIA, FIAB, SEVT, GZS, FEDER, EBVS, CLITRAVI, CONFAGRI PT) and of the VET representatives (EFVET, ACEEU) will also be used for a wider reach of veterinary representatives farmer association and cooperatives.
First, a website will be developed to present the project and to promote the project results. The website will be translated in 9 countries’ languages.
Dissemination plan will be developed by LVA with the help of the partners to support the outreach of the project to the target audiences in the participating countries and following successful validation to other countries. National and EU stakeholders will also be included.
The stakeholder engagement and dissemination plan will be carried out through different means and channel for promotion, with the deployment of many activities in the dissemination campaign that will consider: Instagram, Twitter, newsletters, participation at dissemination events, press releases, distribution of leaflets, YouTube videos and AdWords campaign.